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Your Edison Dentists Explain How We Can Help Your Dental Phobia.

July 28, 2016

Filed under: Uncategorized — tntadmin @ 11:26 am

Your Edison dentists can help with dental phobia.If you feel butterflies in your stomach when you think about going to the dentist, you are not alone! Many patients feel exactly like you, and unfortunately it keeps many folks from getting much needed dental care. Dr. Steven Resnick and Dr. David Rosenfeld understand how scary and stressful it can be to try and manage these fearful and anxious feelings. Did you know there are effective methods for handling dental fear? Your Edison dentists explain how we can help your dental phobia.

What is Dental Phobia?

It’s important to understand that dental phobia is very real, it’s not just something you can dismiss or get over, and it keeps many people from going to the dentist. This is different from anxiety, which may cause you to feel stressed or afraid during your appointments.

Many factors such as embarrassment, pain, fear, and bad past experiences contribute to dental phobia, and it can be very hard to overcome, however at Resnick and Rosenfeld, DDS we understand what you’re going through and we’re here to help.

Nitrous Oxide Sedation

Sometimes referred to as laughing gas, nitrous oxide can help to take the edge off of your fear and anxiety, so you can relax and complete your dental work. Nitrous is a breathable gas, administered through a mask that works quickly to help you feel comfortable and at ease.

Nitrous is completely safe and will exit your system within minutes of removing the mask, so you’ll be able to drive yourself to and from your appointments safely. You’ll also be able to participate in your normal daily activities after treatment with nitrous, which makes it a great option for busy adults.

At Resnick and Rosenfeld, DDS we focus on patient centered care with a gentle touch. Your comfort is our top priority and our doctors are very accomplished dental professionals with many years of experience and thousands of hours of advanced training. You can rest assured that you’re in great hands when you choose Dr. Resnick and Dr. Rosenfeld, your sedation dentists in Edison.

We understand, however that a warm and friendly environment and a caring approach may not be enough to ease all of our patients’ fears, and that’s why we also offer nitrous sedation for even the shortest appointments or cleaning procedures. We never want fear to hold someone back from getting the care they deserve.

Contact our office today to learn more about the exceptional care we offer and to schedule your next appointment. We’re happy to consult with you about utilizing nitrous oxide for your care.

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