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Save Natural Teeth with Easy Root Canal Therapy in Edison

January 17, 2017

Filed under: Uncategorized — tntadmin @ 6:06 pm

Find out what to expect when you get root canal therapy in Edison. The term “root canal” gets a bad rap and is often misconceived. Some people believe that root canal treatments don’t have good results, viewing tooth extractions or implants as a short-cut to their solution. Some may also believe that root canal treatments are very painful and uncomfortable. In turn, Resnick & Rosenfeld, DDS is working hard to educate the public of the positive and comfortable reality that root canal therapy in Edison offers. Dr. Steven Resnick and Dr. David Rosenfeld have the technology to better diagnose and treat patients that wish to save their natural teeth.

What is root canal therapy?

A root canal is a treatment used to repair and save a tooth that is badly decayed or infected. Decay or infection can come from bad oral hygiene, or an abrupt injury to a tooth that allows bacteria inside. If bacteria is left to decay, staying untreated for too long, it may run deep enough to enter the nerve of your tooth. This is when a root canal is necessary. Believe it or not, root canals are just as effective as alternatives like implants or extractions. In fact, you may only need to complete one root canal therapy session to remove the infected pulp and seal your tooth from future infections.

What is the process of root canal therapy?

The process of saving your natural teeth may seem lengthy, but it is necessary and has the possibility of being completed during one dental visit. Let’s take a brief look at the steps involved:

  1. Once either of our dentists have determined that root canal therapy is the right dental treatment for you, he will use a local anesthesia to numb the infected area. Whether this is necessary or not, our dentists may still use the anesthetic to make our patients feel at ease during this practically painless procedure.
  2. Next, your dentist will section off the tooth. One of our dentists will place a rubber dam (a sheet of rubber) around the area. This keeps it dry and free of saliva during treatment.
  3. A small access hole will be drilled into the tooth. This allows our dentists to view the infected area and have access needed to remove necessary debris.
  4. The decayed pulp (along with any other threats of infection) are removed from the tooth. The cleaning-out process is accomplished using tiny canal files. A series of these files are placed into the access hole, scrubbing debris away, thoroughly cleaning the root canal. Water or sodium hypochlorite is used periodically to flush away debris.
  5. Then, the tooth needs to be filled and sealed. A combination of a sealer paste and rubber compound take the place of the pulp and a filling is then used to cover the access hole. This seals off bacteria and infection from getting inside of the tooth again.
  6. Finally, our dentists want to ensure a long life for your tooth. Usually, because of the infection or decay, your tooth may be considered unstable. We can apply a crown or another dental restoration, making your tooth strong and structured again!

Do I need root canal therapy?

Still feeling a bit nervous about root canal therapy? Contact one of our friendly office team members, especially if you are experiencing severe teeth pain or have noticed a small bump along your gums. There are various signs that our body gives us indicating infection, but the best way to get clarity is to visit your Edison dentist as soon as you have concerns about your oral health.

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