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Resnick and Rosenfeld: Emergency Dentists in Edison

September 17, 2016

Filed under: Uncategorized — dr_resnick @ 6:31 pm

When should you call the emergency dentists in Edison?“Two?” you say without a trace of confidence. Your friends laugh uneasily as you guess the right amount of fingers that you are looking at. These evening baseball games are usually a great stress relief in the middle of the week, but your first at-bat isn’t exactly going well. Your friends pick you up and you can hear the pitcher apologizing profusely. You’re suddenly alarmed when you feel a huge, unfamiliar gap in your teeth. You panic, looking around for it. What should you do in this situation? Drs. Steven Resnick and David Rosenfeld, your emergency dentists in Edison, tell you how to act.

Typical Dental Emergencies

A dental emergency is when your teeth or soft tissue have sustained great injury. This is different from a minor toothache that may be bothering you. Dental emergencies usually involve quite a bit of pain. If you are experiencing so much dental pain that you cannot focus on anything else, you are probably experiencing a dental emergency. Some typical ones are:

  • Knocked out tooth
  • Cracked or broken tooth
  • Crack or broken crown
  • Severe toothache
  • Large object caught in between teeth

In all of these cases, it is best if you act immediately. That way your teeth can be saved and your discomfort can be minimized.

What to Do In a Dental Emergency

The first thing you need to do is stay calm. This way you can focus and take action to get the care you need. The next step is to immediately call your Edison emergency dentists at Resnick and Rosenfeld. That way they can begin prepping to see you quickly, as well as advise you on what to do in the moment. We will always try to see you the day of your dental emergency so we can limit your anxiety and discomfort. You should go ahead and put our number in your phone so you don’t have to look it up in the middle of an emergency. Some other practical tips during these situations are:

  • Wash the injured area with warm water. One of the biggest dangers in dental emergencies is not even the injury itself, but the risk of infection.
  • Try to place the lost or broken tooth back into your mouth if possible. If not, place it in a container of milk to help preserve it until we can see you.
  • Use a cold compress to limit the pain.

If at all possible, please have someone else bring you to the office, as you may have experienced head trauma. Also, if you have sustained other injuries such as broken bones, or are bleeding profusely, head to your nearest emergency room.

We’re Here For You

We want to be there to care for you during one of your most stressful times. The team at Resnick and Rosenfeld will know just how to handle the situation, so can just try to relax. Whenever you find yourself in a dental emergency, be sure to call us so we can get you the care you need fast.

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