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6 Ways to Avoid Dental Disaster with Your Emergency Dentist in Edison

December 4, 2018

Filed under: Uncategorized — dr_resnick @ 9:51 pm

Man with tooth pain.Dental emergencies can be really painful, especially because they can come out of nowhere. Whether it’s cracking your smile while chewing on an ice cube or losing a tooth in a sports related injury, dental disaster can strike when you least expect it. Thankfully, your emergency dentist in Edison has some simple ways you can avoid dental emergency to keep your teeth safe!

#1: Visit Your Dentist Regularly

If your teeth are strong and healthy, they’ll be much less likely to get damaged or infected. Visiting your dentist for routine checkups and cleanings every 6 months is your best defense against serious dental issues like cavities and gum disease. Your dentist in Edison can detect early signs of dental problems, which they can treat before they get more serious and cause emergency.

#2: Don’t Chew on Hard or Inedible Foods

Biting down on a hard candy or ice cube is a quick way towards a painful crack or chip in your tooth. Chewing on hard items or inedible foods puts your teeth at risk and weakens your enamel.

#3: If You Play Sports, Wear a Mouthguard

Did you know that around 40% of high school sports related mouth injuries happen in baseball and basketball? While these sports aren’t as physical as football or hockey, they can still increase your risk of a dental emergency. That’s why you and your loved ones should always wear a mouthguard no matter what type of sport it is.

#4: Don’t Use Your Teeth as Tools

Many times, you may turn to your teeth for some backup when you’re trying to open a package or take off a tag. Using your teeth for anything other than talking and chewing puts them at risk for painful damage.

#5: Maintain Good Oral Healthcare

Maintaining a healthy brushing and flossing routine is a great way to keep your teeth looking and feeling great. You should brush twice a day and floss once to remove plaque and bacteria that causes decay. Tooth decay makes your smile more susceptible to breaking and fracture because cavities weaken your teeth.

#6: Eat Healthy

Eating foods with lean protein like dairy, nuts, and veggies will remineralize and strengthen your teeth to keep them healthy. However, eating foods high in sugars and acids will lead to erosion of your enamel and a weakened tooth structure.

Now that you know some simple ways to protect your teeth from dental emergency, you can take on the new year with the confidence of knowing that your teeth are safe.

About the Practice

Dr. Steven J. Resnick and Dr. David S. Rosenfeld are a team of dentists who have a passion for providing quality care. They know that dental disaster can strike out of nowhere, which is why they provide expert emergency dentistry. They currently run their own practice, and they can be contacted through their website or by phone at (908) 668-7838 for any questions.

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