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Your Cosmetic Dentist in Edison Delivers Long-Term Benefits

January 15, 2018

Filed under: Uncategorized — dr_resnick @ 6:00 pm

older woman with beautiful smileYou may think that your desires to improve your teeth are just superficial and shallow longings, but nothing could be further from the truth. Studies show that one-third of adult Americans are unhappy with their smile. That means that roughly 33% of the adults in this country are lacking the full confidence that they could have. You share in their dissatisfaction, as you’ve been longing to make improvements in your smile for years now. That’s why your cosmetic dentist in Edison is weighing in to explain how important cosmetic dentistry truly is and how you can reap the long-term benefits of it.

What is Cosmetic Dentistry?

Cosmetic dentistry is the branch of oral care that primarily focuses on improving the aesthetics of your mouth, teeth and gums, but also delivers many functional benefits as well. Another very attractive advantage of having one of these procedures done by a trained professional, is that the effects are long-lasting.

Here are some of the procedures that can correct the flaws in your smile:

  • Porcelain Veneers ­– These thin shells are placed over your teeth to mask gaps, misalignments, crowding and stains, producing a perfect smile. Properly cared for, they can last between 10 and 15 years.
  • Invisalign – Invisalign clear aligners are plastic trays that are custom designed to fit your teeth while adjusting them to the correct position. The results of this procedure will last for a lifetime given that your teeth are cared for.
  • Direct Bonding – This is a way to address the minor imperfections of your teeth by applying a resin compound to them and then sculping the material to the desired shape and look. The results can last up to 10 years.
  • Zoom! Teeth Whitening – The Zoom! method of teeth whitening is a safe, yet effective way to rid your pearly whites of stubborn stains. Your dentist in Edison will apply a high-powered gel to you’re affected enamel, then focus a laser light on the area to remove the built-up stains, leaving your teeth up to eight shades brighter. The effects can last up to three years.

Functional Benefits

Not only do the above processes deliver long-lasting effects, but they also offer functional benefits. When your teeth are straighter, you have an even bite pattern, which allows for better digestion of your food. It also helps you speak clearly and effectively. Furthermore, it makes for easier access when cleaning your teeth and gums, which protects you from the dangers of gum disease and a host of other issues that come along with poor oral hygiene.

Most importantly, still, is the way you feel. When your self-esteem is higher, you’re more likely to eat healthier and participate in activities that enhance your overall wellness. So you were right all along. Your desire to make cosmetic improvements to your smile is very much a legitimate goal. Take advantage of the opportunity you have to make a change today by reaching out to your local dentist to schedule a consultation.

About the Author

Dr. Steven J. Resnick graduated from New York University College of Dentistry and then completed a general residency program at Goldwater Memorial Hospital. An educator and member of the American Dental Association, Dr. Resnick practices at Resnick & Rosenfield and can be reached for more information through his website.



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